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So, here is my rough proposal for an array type. No implementation provided at this time (because I tend to work from APIs to implementations rather than the other way arround).

a = array( ... )
	-- constructs an array with the provided var args elements
	-- the length of the array is equal to the length of the varargs

#a -- the length of the array

a[ idx ] = value
	-- idx must be a positive integer
	-- stores value at the given index
	-- adjusts the length to max( #a, idx )

a[ idx ]
	-- returns the value at the given index
	-- idx should be a positive integer.
	-- Q: Signal errors if idx is invalid or simply return nil? I'm inclined toward signaling errors.

a:insert( [ idx, ] value )
	-- inserts value at idx shifting values after idx rightward
	-- the length is adjusted to be equal to max( idx, #a + 1 )
	-- if idx is not supplied, it is taken to be #a + 1
	-- returns a

a:remove( [ idx ] )
	-- idx must be a positive integer
	-- returns a[ idx ] before adjustment
	-- if idx is less than or equal to #a, then the elements to the right of idx are shifted down and #a is decremented
	-- Note: This definition says it is acceptable to remove elements from off the end of the array. Should this instead throw an error?

a:sort( [ comp ] )
	-- Sort the elements in the array using the comparison function comp if supplied

	-- Returns an iterator for the array that returns elements of the form idx, value where the index values are increasing.

	-- Evaluates to the contents of the array

array.test( a )
	-- Returns true if a is an array and false otherwise

array.check( a [, msg ] )
	-- Check that a is an array throwing an error (using msg in some way) if not

The array methods are stored in the table array -- the constructor is based on a __call metamethod -- and can be extended by extending this table. (I am not really fond of intermixing "class methods" likes array.test and array.check with instance methods, but I don't have a better proposal at this time.)

Net result:

arrays are just like tables except that they can have holes and those holes are accounted for in the length and they disallow non-array-like indices.
