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I am newbie of lua language. I don't know : What is diffirent between Lua and LuaJIT?
         Lua is scripting programming language. LuaVM interpreter & LuaJIT are two different execution engines for the execution of all lua scipts. Both the engine can parse the lua scripts, convert into bytecode and then to machine code. Althought LuaJIT is much faster as compared to LuaVM.
Can LuaJIT use Lua lib like wx, LuaInterface, luanet ... ?
        And LuaJIT wont use any Lua libs.

On Thu, Dec 30, 2010 at 10:57 AM, tuanhoanganh <> wrote:
I am newbie of lua language. I don't know : What is diffirent between Lua and LuaJIT?
Can LuaJIT use Lua lib like wx, LuaInterface, luanet ... ?

Please help me.
Thanks in advance.

Tuan Hoang Anh

Neha Mahajan.