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I have a largeish project ( ~ 100K LOC ) project currently using luabind that I plan to switch over to something else ... possibly SLB.

Pros of SLB: small ( looks like ~ 8K LOC, so readable), compared to LuaBind ... which I can't understand.

Cons of SLB: doesn't seem very well documented. I was wondering if anyone know what the equiv of the following LuaBind constructs are in SLB:

(1) variable access

.def_readwrite("name", &Foo::some_var)  <-- registers ".name" in luacode to provide read/write access to &Foo::some_var )

(2) registering constructors

.def(constructor<....>()) <-- very nice in taht I just specify the types to the consturctor

(3) LuaBind has a nice "class info" ... where it can automatically provide me in lua side code that takes a userdata and returns the C++ class name.

That's all.
