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First I must say, that I did not know the strong relationship between the language itself and the librarys of Lua. As C / Objecive-C developer these are two different things. Of course, they depend on each other, offer basic functionality and fundamental patterns, but these are two separate things.

So when I was saying, to have Lua on the iPad, it really just means, that it uses the Lua syntax.

OK, I should make it clear: 

It's not the goal of Luna, to offer a full featured Lua engine with syntax and all it's libs! 

Luna will have it's own library. It will offer functions, to write easy scripts that allow you to play around and it will use features of the iPad. There won't be a way to dispatch threads or things like these. And it does not have the aim to be an alternative for Cocoa systems (I use Cocoa for this :-) )

Well, I got to point this out in the documentation of the next release. It will be different from that, what you call Lua. It's just Lua like.

Am 22.12.2010 um 21:17 schrieb Javier Guerra Giraldez:

> On Tue, Dec 21, 2010 at 10:02 AM, ObjectiveCeeds
> <> wrote:
>> The first version was just a test. Running an embedded scripting engine violates the terms of the App Store.
> there's a blurry line between analyzing text data and an scripting
> engine.   probably what is already implemented doesn't ring enough
> bells for reviewers.  but by the time it's usable, it would (should)
> be equivalent to the Lua engine.
> the whole exercise seems fun, educational (for the author), and might
> be (when finished) a viable alternative to Lua for Cocoa systems, but
> I doubt it would survive in the appstore with current rules.
> hope to be wrong  :-)
> -- 
> Javier