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16/12/2010 01:39, Cosmin Apreutesei wrote:

I just bundled together the latest SciTE-Ru with SciteDebug,
LuaInspect and Scintillua (Windows only!). I know we each SciTE users
have our own custom bundle, but since I spent a some good hours on it
I thought I might as well drop it on googlecode so here it is:

Hope it won't be a terrible waste of time for whom might try it, as
it's currently in "works for me" stage and since it's quite a complex
configuration I can't easily tell what could break on other people's
machines. All I can say is that it's what I use these days for Lua
coding. Feedback welcome.

Is there a download -prebuilt binary- link there?
You don't want us "spent a some good hours on it", don't you ;)

Hakki Dogusan