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On Wed, Dec 15, 2010 at 10:02, David Kastrup <> wrote:
> An empty arg list _is_ nil.

I beg to differ. An empty explist is just an empty explist.

    select("#",nil) --> nothing
    function foo (...) return select( "#", ... ) end
    foo() --> 0

> The functions distinguish between a nil
> arglist, and one containing nil as an element.

Then, per your above definition, nil ~= nil.

The behavior of the empty explist isn't explicitly documented.

>From :
|> Both function calls and vararg expressions can result in multiple
|> values. If an expression is used as a statement (only possible for
|> function calls (see §2.4.6)), then its return list is adjusted to zero
|> elements, thus discarding all returned values. If an expression is
|> used as the last (or the only) element of a list of expressions, then
|> no adjustment is made (unless the call is enclosed in parentheses).
|> **In all other contexts, Lua adjusts the result list to _one element_,
|> discarding all values except the first one**.

Side note:

tostring() is implemented as

    function tostring(...)
        assert( select( "#", ... ) > 0, "bad argument #1 to 'tostring'
(value expected)" )
        return stringify( select( 1, ... ) )

While this makes completely sense when seen from the C side, in the
Lua world, it is not intuitive at all. Emulating the following
behavior would make more sense IMO, especially since it is documented
as such in the reference manual.

    function tostring (str)
        return stringify( str )

It is reasonable to expect that a core function like tostring will not
crash when fed with basic Lua code (if a __tostring metamethod is
defined, it is another story, of course).
