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On 2010-11-12, at 01:16, Peter Sommerfeld wrote:

> Arseny Vakhrushev wrote:
>> The only concern I have is that, according to my tests, internal communication between LuaJIT threads within a process is slightly faster than communication between processes.
> Can you provide some rough numbers about the differences ?
> No details needed, just the range.
> Peter

Peter, I'm sorry for answering so late. I missed your reply for some reason.:-)

The rough number is about 10x, more or less. For example, the system handles 200 thousand small internal RPCs comparing to 20 thousand external RPCs over the network on an average desktop. The reason is that external RPCs need extra non-blocking I/O management and additional context switches into kernel space unlike internal calls which pass pointers to serialized data buffers (arguments or return values) between the states (threads).

// Seny