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Hello, Mike and everyone!

Finally, I was able to catch the LuaJIT crash I had presumably encountered a couple of times before. To make a long story short, LuaJIT accidently crashed several times. I rebuit it with debug info and full assertions, and here are two assertions I have by now:

luasrv_lj: lj_record.c:130: rec_check_slots: Assertion `itype2irt(tv) == ((IRType)(((tr)>>24) & IRT_TYPE))' failed.

luasrv_lj: lj_record.c:128: rec_check_slots: Assertion `((((((tr))>>24) & IRT_TYPE) - (TRef)(IRT_NUM) <= (TRef)(IRT_U16-IRT_NUM)))' failed.

Additionally, I have a core file to dig.

I think I will be able to preproduce this on a regular basis soon when I have some time to understand what exactly causes this.

// Seny