On Wed, Dec 1, 2010 at 3:23 PM, Axel Kittenberger
<axkibe@gmail.com> wrote:
Hello, I didn't stumble on a good example code, so I'm checking that
way, as far I understood the luasocket documentation.
This code wants to receive whole line and send arbitrary data in
nonblocking mode. I just want to ask, since in normal operation
this things are harder to test, as the buffers are usually
written/read in one sweep.
(Suppose socket is opened and set to nonblock via socket:settimeout(0))
-- This function is called by select when ready to read.
local rBuf = ""
local function canRead(socket)
local l, err, rBuf = socket:receive("*l", rBuf)
if not l then
if err ~= "timeout" then
print("connection failed: ", err)
rBuf = ""
print("Received Line:" l)
(Is that a correct way of doing it?)
And for writing I came up with this:
Function gets also called with no arguments if the buffer is non empty
and the socket
selected for being writeable.
local wBuf = ""
function write(...)
wBuf = wBuf..table.concat({...})
local s, err = socket:send(wBuf)
if not s and err~="timeout" then
print("connection failed: ", err)
wBuf = wBuf:sub(s + 1, -1)