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2010/12/2 "J.Jørgen von Bargen" <>:
> ==== sub/mod.lua ====
> module("sub.mod")
> local M={}
> M._VERSION="0.1"
> function M.Function()
>     return "Result"
> end
> return M
> =================

You are creating and returning the M table yourself, but also calling
module(). Because of this, you are getting different effects based on
whether sub/mod.lua is being run inside the context of a require()
call (when you call 'lua main'), or if it is being run as a
freestanding script (when you execute the output of luac). In the
context of require(), the 'sub.mod' module takes the value of the
return value M, but run as a freestanding script, the return value is
ignored and the 'sub.mod' module is the table created by

So, you either need to use the environment table created by module():

 ==== alternate sub/mod.lua #1 ====
 function Function()
     return "Result"

...or you can avoid using module() altogether but you will need to
manually set package.loaded["sub.mod"]:

 ==== alternate sub/mod.lua #2 ====
 local M={}
 package.loaded["sub.mod"] = M
 function M.Function()
     return "Result"
 return M
