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LuaTeX adds this function to the string library:
This function as it stands should not be added to the standard library.
However, an iterator function string.split(s,[,m]) such that
string.explode is equivalent to

     local t={}
     for k in str:split(delim) do t[#t+1]=k end
     return t

maybe with delim not as restricted as in LuaTeX (i.e. normal string
patterns allowed) would be handy in many other applications too.
You can sort of mock it up using existing string functions but it
is surprisingly tricky to get it right.

I've attached two scripts which implement the split() function you describe, both support Lua patterns. One returns a table, the other an iterator. I can't guarantee they're bug free, but they are definitely a good start.

 - Peter
-- This function splits a string on a Lua pattern delimiter
-- and returns the results using an iterator function
-- instead of a table. This can be useful for two reasons:
-- 1) You want to iterate over the results but don't need
-- them in a table and 2) you want to split very large input
-- strings.

local yield = coroutine.yield
function string.gsplit(string, pattern, capture)
 string = string and tostring(string) or ''
 pattern = pattern and tostring(pattern) or '%s+'
 if (''):find(pattern) then
  error('pattern matches empty string!', 2)
 return coroutine.wrap(function()
  local index = 1
   local first, last = string:find(pattern, index)
   if first and last then
    if index < first then yield(string:sub(index, first - 1)) end
    if capture then yield(string:sub(first, last)) end
    index = last + 1
    if index <= #string then yield(string:sub(index)) end
  until index > #string
-- This function splits a string on a Lua pattern delimiter
-- and returns the results in a table. When the optional
-- third argument is true the matched delimiters are also
-- included in the returned table.

function string.split(string, pattern, capture)
 string = string and tostring(string) or ''
 pattern = pattern and tostring(pattern) or '%s+'
 if (''):find(pattern) then
  error('pattern matches empty string!', 2)
 local index = 1
 local matches = {}
  local first, last = string:find(pattern, index)
  if first and last then
   if index < first then
    matches[#matches+1] = string:sub(index, first - 1)
   if capture then
    matches[#matches+1] = string:sub(first, last)
   index = last + 1
   if index <= #string then
    matches[#matches+1] = string:sub(index)
 until index > #string
 return matches