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> > Lua 5.2.0 (alpha-rc3) is now available at
> >
> >
> > MD5	d89f2bd01417a3756b57f7b770501aec  -
> > SHA1	4f39ca2ffc42f99aa22cc828d5f5ed1ed0ef6ff1  -
> This doesn't match the version on the website. What's currently there
> seems to have the same contents as -rc4, though there are some trivial
> differences so the checksums don't match.

Yes, sorry about that, I messed up when uploading.
If someone has a copy of the rc3 tarball, please let me have it.

> Also the top level directory looks so small now I wonder if it's worth
> flattening the directory tree, e.g. move all the source files out of their
> subdirectory.

There's the doc dir as well and there are two Makefiles, one for building
and one for installing. We did not want to merge the two for now.