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On 26 Oct 2010, at 21:47, Cosmin Apreutesei wrote:

Indexing a table by multiple values (a tuple) has been asked
before[1]. I needed that today so I took a shot at it, and the result
is in [2], if anyone finds it interesting, please comment/adjust code.

I followed a different approach for this problem [1] borrowing some ideas from the way Lua handle strings. My idea was that each tuple value should be a single value in the Lua state instead of creating different tables to represent the same tuple and using '__eq' to change the way they are compared for equality. In other words:

assert(rawequal(tuple.create(1,false,table), tuple.create(1,false,table)))

The main advantage of this approach is that tuples can be used as table keys just like any other value. Therefore, there is no need to implement special tables or complex data structures that work with the tuples:

  t = { [tuple.create(1,false,table)] = "number, boolean and table" }
  print(t[tuple.create(1,false,table)]) --> number, boolean and table

A simple way to compare my approach to yours is to think that there is only a single instance of your "index table" inside my 'tuple' module. This internal "index table" is used to store all tuples created so they can be easily recovered when a tuple with the same values is "created" again.

One downside of my approach is that I need to make this internal "index table" to contain only weak references so the tuples are collected as garbage when the application does not have (strong) references to them anymore. This is particularly cumbersome when you think about weak references because unlike strings a tuple will be collected when there application have only weak references to it:

  w = setmetatable({}, {__mode="k"})
  w[tuple.create(1,2,3)] = true
  for _=1,3 do collectgarbage() end
  assert(w[tuple.create(1,2,3)] == nil)


Renato Maia
Computer Scientist