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I have written this two little libraries which uses luasocket.
They were written to comply with respective RFCs (RFC1939 and RFC977)
As far as I tested them they work as they should.

Methods implemented in both modules closely follow description in RFC
(and are named same as respective command).

Example for pop3 usage:
require 'pop3'
obj ={host='', user='joedoe', pass='secret'}
for k, msg in obj:messages() do
    print (string.format("message %5d has length %8d", k, string.len(msg)))
obj:rset() -- I change my mind: do not delete the messages

They could of course use more testing (this is where you came in).
Especially I would like to know if APOP command in pop3 module is
working (I do not have installed POP3 server that support this command
to test it)

And also if somebody is able to connect to POP3 server using TLS/SSL
encryption (eg. to server). I do not have installed
luasys module at the moment to test it. It should be possible by the
same technique as luasocket can use https protocol (see
for inspiration).

My NNTP server has some bugs (check the bottom of nntp.txt file) so
this library need some more testing with other servers.

There is manual for each module (some parts are copied from RFCs)
and some example how to use library in test.lua file.

Therefore if anybody have use for them here they are!
Since I do not have site where to host them they are attached here :(

If somebody can find a suitable home for them, please do.

-- Martin Krpan

Attachment: nntp.tar.gz
Description: Binary data

Attachment: pop3.tar.gz
Description: Binary data