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> > I'm almost sure I'm missing something here, but since each line is a table, is
> > there anything wrong with this?
> > local load_huge_table_list = function (filename)
> >  local f = assert(
> >  local s = "return {" .. f:read"*a" .. "}"
> >  f:close()
> >  return assert(loadstring(s))()
> > end
> There is a limit of constants per chunk, you'll hit it.

Ok, you'd get a constant table overflow. Simple modification:

local chunker = function (s)
  return assert(loadstring("return " .. s))()
local load_huge_table_list = function (filename)
  local result, n = {}, 1
  for line in io.lines(filename) do
    result[n] = chunker(line)
    n = n + 1
  return result

And here's a kickstart if you really want to parse the file:

require "lpeg"
local P = ("{" * (1 - lpeg.S"{}") ^ 0 * "}")
local T = (1 - P) ^ 0 * (P / chunker)
local load_huge_table_list = function (filename)
  local f = assert(
  local s = f:read"*a"
  return lpeg.match(lpeg.Ct(T ^ 0), s)


Computers are useless. They can only give you answers.
                -- Pablo Picasso

Luis Carvalho (Kozure)
lua -e 'print(((""):gsub("(%u+%.)","")))'