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>> Le 5 oct. 2010 à 14:27, Michal Kolodziejczyk a écrit :
> It is part of Lua Programming Gems:

By the way, I've just received the Programming in Lua 2nd edition.
Very good book.

Ok, my next neuronal-challenge as a Lua-learner :)

I have this simple script :

function m( x0, radius) -- radius : ~ 2 to 7
  local t =  {}
  local N = 0
  for x = x0-radius, x0+radius do
      t[N] = get_val( x )
      N = N + 1
  table.sort( t )

To speed it up a bit, I did replace  :

  local t =  {}


  local t = {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0}

I gain around 20%.

Can you comment or give me better ways to optimize this kind of scripts
please, spare me writing this in C :)
it is called million of times, the whole process can be around 30 to 100 seconds
