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On 9/20/2010 12:19 AM, Mike McGonagle wrote:
Well, here is the code that I am using, simplified to remove all the tables...

order = 3
elements = order * order
size = elements * elements

for i = 0, (size - 1) do
	r = math.floor(i / elements)
	c = math.floor(i % elements)
	b = math.floor(math.floor(math.floor(r / order) * order) +
math.floor(c / order))
	br = math.floor(r % order)
	bc = math.floor(c % order)
	print(string.format("i:%f r: %f c: %f b:%f br:%f bc:%f", i, r, c, b, br, bc))

I would think that because all of the numbers that I am working with,
all the numbers would come out positive, but many of the resulting
'0's come out as -0. While I have tried to preliminary test to see if
"0 == -0", I am just wondering if by chance this is due to some
rounding error.

Works fine on Lua 5.1.4/cygwin. Nothing negative.

Time to check the platform and compiler.

Do you have a sample line of output with the -0?

Kein-Hong Man (esq.)
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia