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Dear friends

I have a windows batch file (file.bat) contains the following line 
@"C:\Program Files\WinSCP\WinSCP.exe" /console /script="C:/puttyfac/ExtraPuTTY/Bin/winscp/winscpftp.txt" /log="C:/puttyfac/ExtraPuTTY/Bin/winscp/winscplog.log"

which run ftp session using WinSCP  and the batch file work well


when I  try to use this with lua i tried the following 

osexecute(""C:\Program Files\WinSCP\WinSCP.exe" /console /script="C:/puttyfac/ExtraPuTTY/Bin/winscp/winscpftp.txt" /log="C:/puttyfac/ExtraPuTTY/Bin/winscp/winscplog.log"
but i got an error

I  try to replace " with ' as following

osexecute("'C:\Program Files\WinSCP\WinSCP.exe' /console /script='C:/puttyfac/ExtraPuTTY/Bin/winscp/winscpftp.txt' /log='C:/puttyfac/ExtraPuTTY/Bin/winscp/winscplog.log'

but i got an error again 


plz help and send m th right format 

thank you all