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On Sep 3, 2010, at 2:43 AM, Jerome Vuarand wrote:

> The Lua syntax is very flexible. The above example can be written :
> button { 'foo', text = "Foo", x = 10, y = 20 }
> With a custom metatable on _G (__index = function(_, k) return k end),
> you could even have :
> button { foo, text = Foo, x = 10, y = 20 }
> And for something a little more advanced, you can use token filters,
> which stays simple enough to design, reuses the Lua parser as much as
> possible, and still directly gives you Lua objects.

I think periodically about doing this or related things when using Lua as a DSL. The problem is that when I have my view description embedded into the rest of my script -- a benefit when using Lua v having to maintain a separate file just for the view description -- I don't want this behavior elsewhere and in fact it interferes with lint checks for globals.

Thinking about this further, code written in this style expects to be run in a special environment. What if instead it were compiled in a special environment? The 5.2 approach to globals says that a global reference "foo" gets translated into "". The above logic says that a global reference "foo" gets translated into "'foo'". (That's not going to work very well with "button" above, by the way but a call metamethod on strings could take care of that.) A globals lint throws an error when asked to translate a global reference it doesn't understand.

These thoughts are far from complete and they play back into subjects like table scopes (, but it certainly feels like there is something trying to fight its way out to the surface here.
