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On Sun, Aug 29, 2010 at 1:17 AM,  <> wrote:
> OTOH, if I imagine
> with, say, 10000 modules,

Chris Babcock wrote:
> You'd have a good imagination. The actual total is 123. :-/
> We'll worry about the problems of the scale we have. There are
> plenty of strategies for dealing with file system limitations
> when that scenario becomes plausible.

Fair enough, I guess it's my CPAN background... Every new module,
you submit the name and a description to the newsgroup (why isn't this
mailing list a newsgroup?) and people dispute what it should be called
until a consensus emerges.  I know how much they regret allowing an
accumulation of top-level module names in the early years.  Perhaps the
top-level categories that CPAN has evolved could be used as a template?

I think there's a lot of modules running feral outside,
and the aim should be to be able to consolidate them at some stage,
so that users can search, and to avoid duplicating programming
effort and creating call-incompatible versions of the same thing
which make other people's code hard to understand or re-use.
A lot of these are stitch-in-time-saves-nine things.

Anyway, thanks for your help; I'm really enjoying learning Lua,
I like its minimalism, its elegance.

Peter Billam      (03) 6278 9410
"Was der Meister nicht kann,   vermöcht es der Knabe, hätt er
 ihm immer gehorcht?"   Siegfried to Mime, from Act 1 Scene 2