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On Mon, Aug 23, 2010 at 2:11 PM, Andreas Matthias
<> wrote:
> Calling foo() from the following module results in an
> "attempt to call global 'bar' (a nil value)":
> module(...)
> function foo()
>   bar()
> end
> local function bar()
> end
> But it's running through if I
>  a) define bar() before foo() or
>  b) define bar() to be non-local.
> What's going on here? I don't understand it.
> Ciao
> Andreas

bar() simply isn't defined at the time that foo() is defined. foo()
acts as a closure, capturing the variables the function uses that it
sees, at that particular point in time. Since bar() isn't defined when
this is done, it assumes it's a global.

Think about it, you can't do this either:

function lolwat()
  local func = function() print(val) end
  local val = 42

And that's effectively exactly what your code is trying to do.
