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2010/8/23 Cuero Bugot <>:
> I came across a case where I found no short way to write it in Lua. This case could be solved with a "Safe navigation operator" (at least it is the way it is called in Groovy).
> The problem happens (for example) when you use multiple level tables to store configurations. For example, you store something like:
> = "xxx"
> If the parameter is optional, or if you do not want bad surprise, when you want to use it you need to write:
>        if and and then
>                dosomething(
>        End
> This is quite verbose, and it could be nice if it returned nil if one of the level of "" is nil...
> (See Safe navigation operator in groovy)
> So the next step was "Well Lua is wonderful, it'll be easy to implement that 'specific' behavior with metamethods!". But after a little though and tries out, I realized that this use case was not coverable with __index / __newindex, because those metamethods lacks a 'context'.
> Does somebody already encountered/solved that use case ?

If you don't mind adding a pair of parenthesis (or quotes) to the end
of the expression, you can get something pretty nice with __call :

local wrapper_mt = {}

local function wrapper(root, path)
    return setmetatable({
        root = root,
        path = path,
    }, wrapper_mt)

local function follow(root, path, create)
    for _,elem in ipairs(path) do
        local child = root[elem]
        if not child then
            if create then
                root[elem] = {}
        root = child
    return root

function wrapper_mt:__index(k)
    local path = {}
    for _,elem in ipairs(self.path) do
        table.insert(path, elem)
    table.insert(path, k)
    return wrapper(self.root, path)

function wrapper_mt:__newindex(k, v)
    local parent = follow(self.root, self.path, true)
    parent[k] = v

function wrapper_mt:__call(...)
    local path = {}
    for _,elem in ipairs(self.path) do
        table.insert(path, elem)
    for _,elem in ipairs{...} do
        table.insert(path, elem)
    return follow(self.root, path, false)

function wrap(t)
    return wrapper(t, {})

if ...=='test' then
    local a = { b = { c = 42 } }

    a = wrap(a)

    assert(pcall(function() return a.c() end))
    assert(pcall(function() return a.b.b() end))
    assert(pcall(function() return a.c.c() end))
    assert(pcall(function() return a.c.c.D.e.f() end))
    assert(pcall(function() return a.c'c' end))
    assert(pcall(function() return a.c.c.D.e'f' end))
    assert(pcall(function() return a('c', 'c') end))
    assert(pcall(function() return a('c', 'c', 'D', 'e', 'f') end))

    assert( nil == a.c() )
    assert( nil == a.b.b() )
    assert( nil == a.c.c() )
    assert( nil == a.c.c() )
    assert( nil == a.c.c.D.e.f() )
    assert( nil == a.c'c' )
    assert( nil == a.c.c.D.e'f' )
    assert( nil == a('c', 'c') )
    assert( nil == a('c', 'c', 'D', 'e', 'f') )

    assert(pcall(function() return a.b.c() end))
    assert(pcall(function() return a.b'c' end))
    assert(pcall(function() return a('b', 'c') end))

    assert( 42 == a.b.c() )
    assert( 42 == a.b'c' )
    assert( 42 == a('b', 'c') )

    print("all tests passed successfully")