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On 05/08/10 20:16, Francisco Sant'anna wrote:
> Whenever you reload the page with the `/next`, a new event is generated.
> I'm not sure about the last behavior, but seems that you have reloaded it so
> many times that the application terminated (after step 5) and restarted up
> to step 3.
> Maybe it needs a way to avoid unintended reloads...

The 'correct' way to do this is to only generate events on POST HTTP
requests. The HTTP specification dictates that GET must not modify
state, as GET requests may be duplicated or omitted completely by
caching layers.

There's the old story of a CMS with a web front end that used GET to
issue commands. One day a search engine robot found it, and proceeded to
delete all the content in the CMS by traversing the menus.

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