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Hi everyone,

I have compiled Lua 5.1.4 and lpeg 0.9 from the sources on Mac OS X
10.6.4, default flags, nothing special appart the prefix. Lua works
fine, as far as I can tell from my basic usage (I succeeded to build
and use lpdf). lpeg seems to work, but the tests won't succeed. When I
run the tests, it ends up with the message :

lua(1709) malloc: *** error for object 0x10001f6c0: pointer being
freed was not allocated
*** set a breakpoint in malloc_error_break to debug
Abort trap

The figures are different each time of course. I have no idea where
this comes from as I didn't went through all the Lua and lpeg C code.
Is there a bug in Lua or in lpeg ? After doing a little research in
the test file ('test.lua'), it stops working in the 'tests for any*n'
part. I commented out the loop, it went a little further as it printed
a '+' but it stopped again with the same awkward message.

Has anybody an idea of what's going on ?


-- Cédric