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2010/7/15 Luiz Henrique de Figueiredo <>:
> BTW, here is a simple ANSI terminal module that you may find useful.
> term={
>        output=io.write,
>        clear = function () term.output("\027[2J") end,
>        cleareol = function () term.output("\027[K") end,
>        goto = function (l,c) term.output("\027[",l,";",c,"H") end,
>        goup = function (n) term.output("\027[",n or 1,";","A") end,
>        godown = function (n) term.output("\027[",n or 1,";","B") end,
>        goright = function (n) term.output("\027[",n or 1,";","C") end,
>        goleft = function (n) term.output("\027[",n or 1,";","D") end,
>        color = function (f,b) term.output("\027[",f,";",b,"m") end,
>        save = function () term.output("\027[s") end,
>        restore = function () term.output("\027[u") end,
> }
> --term.clear()
> term.goto(10,1)
> term.cleareol()
> term.goto(10,10)
> term.output("hello!")
> term.color(31,42)
> term.output("bye!")
> term.color(43,31)
> term.output("tchau mesmo!")
> term.color(0,0)
> term.output("ok!")
> term.goup(4)
> term.goleft(8)
> term.output("here")
> term.goto(2,3)
> term.output("HERE")
> term.restore()
> term.output("DONE")

You can add :

-- r, g and b are floats in [0;1]
function term.color2(r,g,b)
    r = math.floor(r * 5 + 0.5)
    g = math.floor(g * 5 + 0.5)
    b = math.floor(b * 5 + 0.5)
    local color = 16 + r * 36 + g * 6 + b

to display much more colors in a "xterm-256color"-compatible terminal.
For example :

print("Color cube, 6x6x6:")
for green=0,5 do
    for red=0,5 do
        for blue=0,5 do
            term.color2(red / 5, green / 5, blue / 5)
            term.output("  ")
        term.output("\027[0m ")