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On Thu, 2010-07-22 at 18:08 +0300, Chris Datfung wrote:
> I've read through the lrexlib doco, but can't seem to get Lua to parse
> a string and capture text. For example in the string: 
> <myMarker>captureMe</myMarker> 
> I want to get the string 'captureMe'. Can someone point me to an
> example of how to do this?

Not that regular expression matching is the best for parsing XML, but
for this simple task something like this would work:

require 'rex_pcre'
text = rex_pcre.match('<myMarker>captureMe</myMarker>',

I normally use [[]] around rex_pcre patterns because they (unlike the
Lua patterns) tend to have lots of \ in them you would have to quote in
regular strings.
