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On Fri, Jul 16, 2010 at 1:27 AM, Matthieu CARON <> wrote:
> Everything works fine when my fonction has less than 250 arguments but I
> receive an error for more arguments.
> The Lua error I receive for more than 250 arguments is [string
> "LuaFunction("arg1","arg2","arg3..."]:1: function or expression too complex
> near 'arg250'

You might want to just pass a table of the arguments, instead of all
of the arguments directly.

LuaFunction({"arg1", "arg2", "arg3", ....})

It's valid to leave the parentheses off when the only parameter is a
table, so you can also do this:

LuaFunction{"arg1", "arg2", "arg3", ....}

Then you'll get a table as your single parameter, and you can iterate
over that table to get all of the arguments. Unlike the parameter
list, a table isn't limited to 256 entries.
