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On Mon, Jul 12, 2010 at 12:29 PM, Juris Kalnins <> wrote:
> porting it between Lua versions), but it would be interesting
> to know if it is possible to make such "token filter" interface that:
>  - wouldn't slow down normal Lua.
>  - wouldn't complicate or increase Lua implementation.
>  - would allow such token filtering with comparable performance
>    without requiring changes in the core.

So e.g. we could have identifiers beginning with $ and @ etc?

I'm a supporter of lhf-style token-filtering making its way into the
mainstream, but also concerned that it might hurt performance even if
not used - the good old "only pay for the features you use" motto of

Also, as we know from C, preprocessor macros are yet another variable
scope to worry about;  if macros would always start with @ or $ then
they would always remain visible and there would be no namespace