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i'm trying to package a library using luarocks. I did the followeing
rockspec file, but executing it returns me the error:

Error: Could not load rockspec file
unexpected symbol near '[')

I don't really see the problem..

package = "splayd"
version = "0.9621-1"
source = {
   url = "";
description = {
   summary = "SPLAY Deamon and Libraries.",
   detailed = [[
     SPLAY simplifies the prototyping and development of large-scale
distributed applications and overlay networks. SPLAY covers the
complete chain of distributed system design, development and testing:
from coding and local runs to controlled deployment, experiment
control and monitoring.
	SPLAY allows developers to specify their distributed applications in
a concise way using a specialized language based on Lua, a
highly-efficient embeddable scripting language. SPLAY applications
execute in a safe environment with restricted access to local
resources (file system, network, memory) and can be instantiated on a
large variety of testbeds composed a large set of nodes with a single
	SPLAY is the outcome of research and development activities at the
Computer Science Department of the University of Neuchatel.
   homepage = "";,
   license = "GPLv3"
dependencies = {
   "lua >= 5.1",
   "luasec >= 0.4-3",
   "luacrypto >= 0.2.0",
   "luasocket >= 2.0.2",
build = {
  type = "make",
  install_target= "all",
  install ={
		[""]=[""],    --[[ HERE IS LINE 27]]