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On Thursday 01, Valerio Schiavoni wrote:
> Hello everyone,
> consider the case where you *must* merge several Lua files and then
> execute the merged one.
> Which are the things to take care of? I've a couple of things in mind
> which I don't know how to solve:
> - name conflicts: files could have declared global variables with the
> same name; would it be enough to
>   make a re-write by for example prepending their name with the name
> of the file they are declared?
> - stack-trace line-numbers: if the merged file crashes, the
> stack-trace produces line-numbers of complete
>   non-sense to the developers of the original files...
> Do you have suggestions?

You could use the luac (lua compiler) to merge multiple lua files together.  
It will keep the line-numbers.  luac will also catch compile-time errors at 
compile-time instead of runtime.  If you want to do the whole thing in Lua 
code there is a version of luac written in Lua [1].  Local variables will 
stay local to each file, only globals would be shared.

To solve the global name conflicts, you can clear the global table between 

Create two lua files:
-- setup_global_proxy.lua (code from Vaughan's post)
local old_G = _G
old_G.shared_state = {} -- a table for sharing state across files
_G = setmetatable( {}, old_G)

-- clear_globals.lua (code from Vaughan's post)
for k, v in pairs(_G) do
  _G[k] = nil

then compile your scripts like this
luac setup_global_proxy.lua a.lua clear_globals.lua b.lua \
  clear_globals.lua c.lua clear_globals.lua d.lua

If you need to send the merged script across the network, I would recommend 
first do a test compile on the server to catch errors, then send the text 
scripts across the network where they are merged before being executed (this 
is to get around sending Lua-bytecode across the network).


Robert G. Jakabosky