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On Wed, 2010-06-02 at 09:22 -0700, Stuart P. Bentley wrote: 
> If you find you're having a lot of trouble with functions taking the wrong  
> number of parameters, consider using this:
>    function argchecked(f, numargs)
>      return function(...)
>        if select('#',...)==numargs then f(...)
>          else error(string.format(
>            "%i arguments expected, got %i",
>               numargs,select('#',...))) end
>      end
>    end

Great function, I like it... Just to be complete - it should include a
'return', i.e.:

function argchecked(f, numargs)
   return function(...)
     if select('#',...)==numargs then return f(...)
       else error(string.format(
         "%i arguments expected, got %i",
            numargs,select('#',...))) end