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On Tue, 25 May 2010 15:56:49 +0300, Tony Finch <> wrote:

On Tue, 25 May 2010, Javier Guerra Giraldez wrote:
and a reverse linked list could keep it at O(1); but all these assume
maintaining extra structure and keep it current on every assignment.

I don't see how you can get it to O(1) with something as simple as a list. The hard part is dealing with splitting and joining contiguous sections of
non-nil array elements, where one assignment can change #t by a large

well, with the way it's currently made, you can

currently, array part is an array of TValue, which is big enough to be
a double-linked list node.
So make it:

union ANode {
  struct { ANode **prev; ANode *next; } l;
  TValues d;
struct Table {
ANode *array;
ANode *firstNil;

When resizing array part, link all nil nodes into firstNil list;
then #t is:
*firstNil ? #t == array - firstNil : sizearray;

And you have O(1) #t, plus amortized O(1) cost of list upkeep.