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Going from a post Joonas just made, it should actually read like this:

A for statement like

     for var_1, ···, var_n in explist do block end

is equivalent to the code:

       local f, s, var = explist

       --proposed addition
       if type(f)~= "function" and not metatable(f).__call then
         local meta_f = metatable(f).__iter
         if not meta_f and type(f)=="table" then meta_f = pairs
         if meta_f then f, s, var = meta_f(f) end

       while true do
         local var_1, ···, var_n = f(s, var)
         var = var_1
         if var == nil then break end

(I'd forgotten that __call could be used to replicate the non-factory version of __iter.)

On Mon, 24 May 2010 17:06:09 -0700, Stuart P. Bentley <> wrote:

On Mon, 24 May 2010 16:53:32 -0700, Jonathan Castello <> wrote:

I wrote your algorithm into a usable Lua function to try it out. I had
to add a check for nonexistent metatables, but it does work.

 From the manual:

"The code shown here in Lua is only illustrative; the real behavior is hard coded in the interpreter and it is much more efficient than this simulation. All functions used in these descriptions (rawget, tonumber, etc.) are described in §5.1. In particular, to retrieve the metamethod of a given object, we use the expression


This should be read as

      rawget(getmetatable(obj) or {}, event)"