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On Fri, 14 May 2010 13:15:19 +0200
steve donovan <> wrote:

> Always more than one way to do anything...
> local init  -- to make sure the function is visible within itself
> function init(val)
>   local t = {}
>   setfenv(init,t)
>   -- we're now writing directly to t, and t's fields are available on the RHS
>   x = val
>   y = x+10
>   z = x+y
>   return t
> end

[Maybe I'm wrong on this, but here is my pov:]
Yes, but there's always the same issue that now globals (eg builtin funcs) are inaccessible, since an "env" acts both as globals & locals. Thus, "d=math.square(x*x+y*y)" fails. What is needed (and probably what the op means, but I don't want to speak for him) is to redefine the local scope only, so that the block writes (new vars) and reads (if var exists) in the table itself.
Meaning a table def acts like a func which scope is the table. Pseudo-syntax showing this better than words, maybe:

t = table
   <field defs>

(This probably requires under the hood the table to be created empty before the block is executed.)


vit esse estrany ☣