On 04.05.2010 11:17, Duncan Cross wrote:
> On Tue, May 4, 2010 at 9:30 AM, François Perrad
> <
francois.perrad@gadz.org> wrote:
>> The goal is to improve the performance of most of the object oriented
>> implementations (prototype or class based).
>> The idea is to prevent rehashing during the object instanciation.
> It sounds like what you want is a Lua interface to the API function
> lua_createtable():
> ...which takes a number of array elements and a number of hashed
> elements and preallocates space for them in a newly created table.
The OP wants the table initialized with some known keys/values, so it is
more than the initial size alone.
> It's easy enough to do for yourself, as long as you are in a position
> to actually do stuff with the C API, but I wouldn't mind seeing this
> become a standard Lua function either, as table.create() or
> table.allocate() or something like that. table.proto() could then be
> written as a simple Lua module on top of this.
Let's make a lua module and put it in luarocks, so we can see if it's
needed/popular, and if it shoud be added to the core lua or stay at