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> I'm reading some files in an existing binary format, which include 4-byte
> floating-point numbers. I have the file's contents loaded into a string. I
> need a function which will parse one floating-point number from the string,
> given the index of the first byte. Does Lua's library provide this? Or
> should I throw something together with the bitop library? 

Take a look at Roberto's struct library,

or LHF's lpack,

Using the former:

$ lua -lstruct -e 'print(struct.unpack("f", struct.pack("f", math.pi), 1))'
3.1415927410126	5


Computers are useless. They can only give you answers.
                -- Pablo Picasso

Luis Carvalho (Kozure)
lua -e 'print(((""):gsub("(%u+%.)","")))'