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Let's say I have a descriptions of the tokens a lexer generates and a
grammar written in terms of the tokens.  What I'd like to do is write
some simple LPEG patterns to generate the tokens and then write the
grammar in terms of those tokens without having to convert the token
list into a giant string.  Is there any way to set things up such that
I can effectively pass lpeg.match an iterator over the tokens?

Here's a mock up:

-- token_rules is a small grammar defining the tokens
local lexer = lpeg.P(token_rules)
-- tokens is a table with the tokens in an array form each token is
itself a table of the form
-- { [1] = token_string, type = TOKEN_NAME } where TOKEN_NAME is a
string name of the token
local tokens = lexer:match(code)

-- grammar rules is a grammar written in terms of the possible token
names (i.e. the TOKEN_NAME values in the type field of each token)
local grammar = lpeg.P(grammar_rules)

-- ast is a tree of token tables
local ast = lpeg.match(grammar, tokens)

Clearly this last line won't work since tokens is a table not a
string.  Another idea would be to do:

function iter(tokens)
   local i = 1
   return function()
      local t = tokens[i]
      i = i+1
      if(t) then
         return t.type

-- ast is a tree of token tables
local ast = lpeg.match(grammar, iter(tokens))

where the subject argument of lpeg.match is called until it returns nil

Is there some way to seduce LPEG into doing something like this as is
or am I out of luck?
