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*laughs* In case you're curious, the original C++ comment abuse looked
like this:

  std::cout << "One" << std::endl;
  std::cout << "Two" << std::endl;

You just change the first /*/ to /**/ to toggle, and the second /*/ to
// to disable both. I actually believed I couldn't do this in Lua,
until I read that multi-line comments also supported [=[ ]=] syntax!

~Jonathan Castello

On Sun, Feb 14, 2010 at 2:30 AM, Majic <> wrote:
> Nifty, do leik :D
> On Sun, Feb 14, 2010 at 12:01 AM, Jonathan Castello <> wrote:
>> Let me try that again, from Gmail this time...
>> ----
>> Back when I used to use C++ a lot, I came up with a creative abuse of
>> comments to let me decide which of two sections to compile based on
>> the presence of a single character. I just happened to come up with a
>> similar construct in Lua as well, and I thought I'd share it. I don't
>> know if anyone else has come up with it before - it /is/ really simple
>> - but it occurred to me as I read the section on comments in the  "The
>> Evolution of Lua" PDF.
>> --[[
>>  print("one")
>> --[=[ <Two-way comment> ]]
>>  print("two")
>> --]=]
>> This construct will only allow print("two") to be executed. By adding
>> a - to the first comment, the structure 'toggles', and only
>> print("one") executes. It also just so happens that you can disable
>> both blocks at once by changing [[ to [=[. Lastly, no matter how it's
>> toggled, the middle comment has a convenient space for a
>> human-readable comment.
>> I'm not sure how useful this would be to anyone else, but I like to
>> use constructs like this to preserve old code while I'm developing a
>> newer block.
>> ~Jonathan Castello
>> On Sat, Feb 13, 2010 at 11:58 PM, Jonathan Castello <> wrote:
>>> Back when I used to use C++ a lot, I came up with a creative abuse of comments to let me decide which of two sections to compile based on the presence of a single character. I just happened to come up with a similar construct in Lua as well, and I thought I'd share it. I don't know if anyone else has come up with it before - it /is/ really simple - but it occurred to me as I read the section on comments in the  "The Evolution of Lua" PDF.
>>> --[[  print("one")--[=[ <Two-way comment> ]]  print("two")--]=]
>>> This construct will only allow print("two") to be executed. By adding a - to the first comment, the structure 'toggles', and only print("one") executes. It also just so happens that you can disable both blocks at once by changing [[ to [=[. Lastly, no matter how it's toggled, the middle comment has a convenient space for a human-readable comment.
>>> I'm not sure how useful this would be to anyone else, but I like to use constructs like this to preserve old code while I'm developing a newer block.
>>> ~Jonathan Castello
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