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2010/1/25 Ignacio Burgueño <>:
> You can grab the sources here:

Got it.  Cross compiled luacom_console from Ubuntu Jaunty.  Works marvelously.

lua_dofile in line 2623 of luacom.cpp is depreciated.  Replaced with
luaL_loadfile(L, "luacom5.lua") != 0 || lua_pcall(L, 0, 0, 0);

I choose LUA_DEBUGGING because I'm not sure whether luac compilation
is platform dependent.  And I don't want to do part of the compilation
on a win32 machine and then move back to Jaunty.

Also I can't make DLL work.  It keeps giving "error loading module
'luacom' from file '.\luacom.dll';".  Probably with luaopen_luacom
call or the path.

cheers, and thank you for luacom