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Am 15.01.2010, 11:34 Uhr, schrieb Mike Pall <>:
Lua 5.1  LJ1    LJ2
14.08    2.16   0.10  Standard (solid)
14.92    4.62   0.10  Standard (metatable)
14.28    2.66   0.10  Object using closures (PiL 16.4)
 9.14    1.68   0.10  Object using closures (noself)
 7.30    1.10   0.10  Direct Access
 1.22    0.34   0.10  Local Variable

[Yes, this really means method access + method calls can be up to
150x faster with LJ2, when compared in isolation. On real-world,
non-micro-benchmarks you won't see that much of a speedup.]

I'm not sure I understand the benchmark and the numbers correctly.
Does it mean that there is no reason to avoid costly patterns
like objects using closures (PiL 16.4) and others anymore?
