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Alexander Gladysh schrieb:
I also would like to upload it somewhere once it is finished, maybe on the
wiki page where I found the cheat sheet for the Lua language. How should I
proceed then?

You may import the document to a publicly accessible Google
Spreadsheet document and share a link to it.

I uploaded the current draft from an XLS spreadsheet. I also added a PDF with the important first spreadsheet table as some cells seem to contain trash in the google sheet.

If everything works fine you should be able to download from here:

The structure is simple:

 each row contains the name, return value and parameter of the C function
 the parameters to push
 the relevant positions on the input stack
 the relevant positions on the output
 the parameters to pop
 generated error
 short description

Functions are grouped as I currently think they belong together.

Any constructive feedback is highly welcome :-)