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On Jan 12, 2010, at 10:10 PM, Mark Hamburg wrote:

> Oh. And we then don't have the module available for us to return from require should we want it. So, we write:
> 	local M, env = module( ... )
> 	in env do
> 		-- construct module
> 	end
> 	return M
> But at that point, why not just make explicit reference to M everywhere we want to populate it?

I missed this because it was on a different thread. I rather like it though it doesn't, answer the problem of returning the environment and its implementation probably needs to use getfenv to get the current environment:

	in package.seeall( module( ... ) ) do
		-- construct module

To deal with the return problem, maybe:

	in _, M = package.seeall( module( ... ) ) do
		-- construct module

	return M

That syntax is sugar for:

	local <varlist> = <expr>

	in ( <varlist> ) do
		-- statements

Still a bit subtle since common usage will need a no-op first parameter. Another option is:

	function prependLast( ... )
		return ( select( select( '#', ... ), ... ) ), ...

	local _environment_, <varlist> = prependLast( <expr > )

	in _environment_ do
		-- statements

This then enables, a whole series of things like:

	in M = module( ..., package.seeall ) do
		-- statements execute with seeall but the module isn't contaminated

	return M

	in C = class( ... ) do
		-- construct class

Note, however, that we're still restricted in our ability to run arbitrary utility code within the class construction. For example, we can't call out to code to add a bunch of fields or methods unless we pass it C or unless it's defined as a standard part of the class.
