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Peter Odding <> writes:
> This is obviously already possible in Lua 5.1, but more importantly it
> is one very narrow use-case of setfenv(). I've grown to appreciate
> setfenv() as core Lua functionality and now it is being deprecated
> without a replacement...
> Finally I'm getting to my point: I'm wondering what made the Lua authors
> decide to remove setfenv() and replace it with a very narrow subset of
> its functionality?!

and getfenv, which has _no_ replacement as far as I can see...

> Of course I'm hoping that I misunderstood the replacement or can
> change the Lua authors' minds about it, but if neither of those is an
> option than I'll settle for a clear understanding of the decision
> making process :-)

Yes, it would be useful to know _why_ these changes are being made...


Hers, pron. His.