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2010/1/8 Ignacio Burgueño <>:
> c:/MinGW/bin/../lib/gcc/mingw32/3.4.5/../../../../include/winuser.h:3855:
> error: previous declaration of 'LoadStringA' was here
> lundump.c:76: error: conflicting types for 'LoadStringA'

The problem here is that Windows uses a nasty preprocessor hack for
functions which have ASCII and Widechar variants. So there's a:

#define LoadString LoadStringA

in the headers, assuming this is a ASCII build.

So, #undef LoadString is one fix. But surely camel-case identifiers
like this are not otherwise found in the Lua sources?  Windows people
instinctively avoid them for the above reasons. Seems like a rename
would solve the problem cleanly.

steve d.