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On Mon, Jan 4, 2010 at 7:55 PM, Colm Sloan <> wrote:
I'm trying to call a function, let's say it's called:

I'm trying to pass the name of the function as text where it can be later called. Here's what I've tried:
local functionName = 'MyClass.MyFunction01'
_G[ functionName ]()
This method was taken from here ( ).

 I get the error:
"attempt to call field 'CLua_NPC_Nurse.PrintTest' (a nil value)"

I looked in the _G table and found that it does have the entry for my class and I'm sure my class has that function. Could anyone tell me what I'm doing wrong and how I can fix it?

Thanks :)

my_class = 'MyClass'
my_fun = 'MyFunction01'