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2009/12/25 Paulo Pizarro <>:
> Hi all,
> We like to present to all Sofia SIP developers a Lua bind to Sofia SIP,
> Luasofia. The objective of this project is to be able to use Sofia on a more
> high level language, Lua was chosen because of its easy integration with C,
> a lot of our projects are starting to use Lua integrated with C to make
> development and maintenance easier and faster, because of that we wanted to
> have a good SIP library to use in Lua, the decision was to make a bind to
> the already mature Sofia library. The bind is far from being complete, we
> only bonded the code that we need right now, there's a lot of work to do. We
> expect that the project will be useful, so a lot of documentation was made
> to help someone who wants to bind more Sofia code. There is good
> documentation on how to use it too.
> To develop we used git to make version control, and we hosted the project at
> github:
> The wiki is at github too:
> We hope Luasofia can be useful to a lot of people, and eventually we get
> some help making it better and more complete.
> Best regards,
> Luasofia team

I think it would save some people's time (it would have saved mine) to
provide a link to the bound library website in the binding anouncement
email, at least to be sure you're talking about a particular library
(name collision is not that unusual in open source software, even
within a given specific field of application).

Anyway, here is the website of the Sofia-SIP library (assuming there's
only one):