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Hi all,

We like to present to all Sofia SIP developers a Lua bind to Sofia SIP, Luasofia. The objective of this project is to be able to use Sofia on a more high level language, Lua was chosen because of its easy integration with C, a lot of our projects are starting to use Lua integrated with C to make development and maintenance easier and faster, because of that we wanted to have a good SIP library to use in Lua, the decision was to make a bind to the already mature Sofia library. The bind is far from being complete, we only bonded the code that we need right now, there's a lot of work to do. We expect that the project will be useful, so a lot of documentation was made to help someone who wants to bind more Sofia code. There is good documentation on how to use it too.

To develop we used git to make version control, and we hosted the project at github:

The wiki is at github too:

We hope Luasofia can be useful to a lot of people, and eventually we get some help making it better and more complete.

Best regards,

Luasofia team