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Matthew Wild wrote:
2009/11/30 David Given <>:
Hash: SHA1

Luiz Henrique de Figueiredo wrote:
Shameless promotion:
Another shameless plug:
Just because one can never have too many types of wheel, there's also
Kein-Hong Man's luasrcdiet, which I'm using very successfully in Prime

Squish actually uses this as its main output filter,  (there's more
than one, such as the one that replaces Lua keywords with single bytes
128) - and it works really well. I went a step further because I
wanted to bundle multiple libraries as well as other files (non-code)
into a nice compact file.

That aside, I just checked a vanilla 87KB script compiled -s to 44KB, and 32% of the symbols were zeros in the binary chunk. Switch those many 32-bit count values into a variable number of bytes (the first byte can range from 0-127, etc.), and the binary chunk can be made a little smaller. Little loss of performance, no variable-bit encoding schemes, but not nearly as good as proper data compression (say, a 25% improvement is not really much vs LZ+statistical coding schemes).

Another way (not very practical, and probably a patent minefield to boot) would be to encode bytecode in reduced form, like the ARM Thumb instruction set. Register indices in Lua bytecode probably very rarely use their full dynamic range, so one can design a more compact instruction set encoding that is still byte aligned and save some bytes. More of an academic exercise, though.

The nice thing about standard bytecode is that it can be 'compiled' by Lua roughly as fast as it can be read from a hard disk. On a contemporary desktop PC, it's hard to justify size reduction contortions... It can be an option for certain specific end-use areas of a piece of software.

Kein-Hong Man (esq.)
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia