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2009/11/25 Ignacio Burgueño <>:
> Jerome Vuarand wrote:
>> Thanks, I'll give it a look. But afaict this looks like *a lot* of
>> code, for something which is a mere simplification of what Xavante
>> already does.
> He! Possibly. I replicated a lot of code because when I started my project
> Xavante was fluctuating a lot, so that gave me better isolation.
> But I think you can get away just by copying the two functions
> (makeRawSapiHandler and custom_sapi_loader)

I finally got it to work with not too much code (most of it given by
Ignacio) but some time wasted. Here is the final webserver code of my
application :

local function custom_sapi_loader(wsapi_env)
	_G.CGILUA_TMP = "."
	local app = require "wsapi.sapi"
	local status, headers, iterator =
	-- it is necessary to reload Cgilua packages and wsapi.sapi. it has
way too much dependency on global
	-- environment
	package.loaded["cgilua"] = nil
	cgilua.SAPI = nil
	package.loaded["wsapi.sapi"] = nil
	return status, headers, iterator

local webdir = ".\\"
	server = {host = "*", port = web_port},
	defaultHost = {
		rules = {
				match = "^[^%./]*/$",
				with = xavante.redirecthandler,
				params = {"index.lp"},
				match = "%.lp$",
				with = wsapi.xavante.makeHandler(custom_sapi_loader, nil, webdir, webdir),
				match = ".",
				with = xavante.filehandler,
				params = {baseDir = webdir}

I then run my coroutine-based, copas-like event loop. It would be nice
to add in-interpreter processing of LuaPages to Xavante, or to put an
example like the code above in a very visible place.