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2009/11/23 spir <>:
> Hello,
> I'm looking for a straightforward way to define what a module exports -- other than setting all the rest global. Ideally, this would be something like:
> -- module mod
> require("mod_test")
> __export = {CONST=CONST, config=start_config, test=mod_test.test, do=safe_do}
> CONST = 3.14
> start_config = {...}
> do = function(...) ... end
> safe_do = function(...) ... do(...) ... end
> Then, as you guess, requiring "mod" would export only the content of __export.
> Is there method analog to this?

At the bottom of the file put "return __export", it will be used as
the return value from require, and saved in package.loaded[modulename]
for future calls.
